Float Tank Therapy

Ultimate Float and Salt Spa Relaxation

By introducing our guests to floatation and salt therapy, we provide a scientifically proven, time efficient method to unwind from life. We offer floatation as means of relaxation and experience total tranquility. Floating can be compared to experiencing a pure state, a state we last experienced in our mother’s womb.

Modern times has given us many luxuries, however due to the global domination of disease causing chemical based products and preservatives, we are working towards a more holistic world. Step inside the Salt Spa and experience a natural therapy that has been used for millennia. 

The Salt Spa - St. Augustine is proud to enhance your quality of life and tranquility. We offer a therapeutic Himalayan salt cave, infrared sauna equipped with acoustic resonance therapy and two float pod rooms.We also offer relaxing and hydrating esthetic services. Turn your back to the frenzy, quiet your mind from the noise, slow down and let go. You will experience a greater awareness, an inexplicable calm, and a deeper understanding of the rhythms of life.  When you slow down and take time for self care, you are able to understand yourself on a deeper level. Relax and let go of all your worries!

Today’s new reality and fast-paced life gets too tiring. It sucks the energy and vitality out of us; leaving us dull, tired and lifeless. We need to relax and recoup that lost energy. Being in the float tank provides relaxation and rest to boost energy in our bodies and minds so that we can feel positive change in our daily life and feel rejuvenated. Can there be something more exciting than a conscious experience of one self? A profound journey into your mind; instead of being exposed to constant stimuli, you can hear your inner-voice communicating your true feelings, emotions and ideas.

Step into one of Salt Spa floating tanks, filled with less than a foot of warm, soothing water. The buoyancy in the tank is provided by creating a supersaturated mixture of Epsom salt (1000LB) and oxygenated purified water allowing the user to float effortlessly inside a quiet and dark tank. You will float on your back on the top of salt water maintained at skin temperature. After a few minutes the separation between air and water is blurred and the occupant has a sensation of floating in space. The tank’s lid can be left open for those clients that may feel claustrophobic. Closing the pod lid reveals another level of tranquility and stillness.


The model in this picture is wearing a bathing suit, but floating is done without clothes.

Float Tank Salt Therapy increases energy, eases stress and reduces pain:

This womb-like environment lowers stress hormones, replenishes neurotransmitters, and releases endorphins, which induces ultra-deep relaxation and provides a zen-like afterglow of increased energy that can last for days. Float tank salt therapy is a wonderful way to accelerate the body’s ability to heal itself from the effects of stress, intense physical workouts, late nights, or over-stimulation.

Frequent floating develops a higher physiological threshold to deal with stress and helps to reach deep into consciousness. Float tanks are one of the single greatest external programing tools for achieving effective – Self metaprogramming. Floating in water fully saturated with salt in a sensory depravation tank is designed to remove you from outside stimuli and make you focus on signals coming from inside of your mind and body. 


Floating - Magnesium and Sulphates

Our body depends on vitamins to properly function, but certain minerals are also vital for health. Minerals are found throughout the body and work with vitamins, enzymes and hormones, to regulate a myriad of biological functions.

Magnesium is the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth -most important positively charged ion in the body. It is a wonder mineral so vital for health and well being. Magnesium is a vital component of Epsom salt and helps regulate 325 biochemical reactions in the body controlling many bodily functions from muscle control and electrical impulses to energy production and the elimination of harmful toxins. Magnesium improves our bone and skeletal health by helping assimilate calcium into our bones. 68 to 80% of American population is deficient in magnesium due to the changes in the agriculture and industrial farming that depleted magnesium from the soil. Our modern diets full of fat, protein and sugar contribute to deplete magnesium from our bodies. Raising the magnesium levels can improve circulation, improve the body's ability to use insulin, ease muscle pain, regulate electrolytes and relieve the stress.

Another important element of Epsom salt is sulphate. Sulphate deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency you ever heard of and is a major culprit behind modern chronic diseases and diseases and health conditions. which is very difficult to get from food but will effectively absorb through the skin. Sulphates serve a wide variety of functions in the body, playing a vital role in the formation of brain tissue, collagen, keratin, joint and mucin proteins. Sulphates stimulate pancreas to generate digestive enzymes and are believed to help detoxify the body’s residue of medicines and environmental contaminants. It also prevents blood from coagulating during transit through capillaries. Depletion of sulphates leads to cholesterol accumulation.

According to the Universal Health Institute although magnesium can be absorbed through the digestive tract, many foods can interfere with the effectiveness of this delivery method. Therefore soaking in an Epsom salt saturated water is one of the most effective means of making the magnesium and sulphate your body needs readily available.


For reservations or information:

Please contact us if you have any Float Tank related questions or visit or FAQ page here.


A 20% service fee will be automatically added to all spa services.

Please note appointment times may need to be modified to better fit the schedule. The spa will communicate prior to any adjustments being made.

Single Service Pricing

60 minute float-$70

90 minute float-$90


Package Pricing 

Three 60 Minute Float Sessions-$165 

Five 60 Minute Float Sessions-$250 

Ten 60 Minute Float Sessions-$480

A 20% service fee will be automatically added to all spa services.

We have two tanks, each designed to accommodate one guest at a time.

Salt Spa of Saint Augustine provides the natural healing of float tank salt therapy used by health professionals and top athletes worldwide.

Benefits of Flotation

Conditions improved by floating
Stress, Muscle pain, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatism, Chronic pain, Arthritis, Fatigue, Insomnia, Back pain, Digestion, Fertility, Autism therapy, Jet lag, Migraines, Anxiety, Depression, Contusion and muscle strains, Pregnancy symptoms: relieves pressure from feet and back and also creates symbiotic sense of connection with the baby, and high blood pressure

Relaxation Response
Heightened Senses
Pain Management
Increased Immune Function
Enhanced healing
Rejuvenation and recovery
Musculoskeletal Awareness
Anti-gravity Benefits
Increased Stress Resistance
Chronic Stress Relief
Behavior Modification
Brain Synchronization
Sensitivity Buffering
Improved problem-solving



The model in this picture is wearing a bathing suit, but floating is done without clothes.


The model in this picture is wearing a bathing suit, but floating is done without clothes.

Prepare for your visit

Floating Protocol & Preparation

Please read sections A, B & C before your float session 

Please fill out waiver and client consent forms sent to you via e-mail after your appointment is booked. Upon receipt, all forms must be filled out by each individual client for your safety. All forms can be submitted electronically.

Arrive to your appointment before scheduled time. Your session will start and end according to the scheduled time.  

A. Please refrain from scheduling an appointment if:

  1. You have spray tan or bronzing cream on.

  2. You have massage oil, hair oils and waxes (They must be thoroughly removed before floating). You have Colored hair (with an exception of blondes) that was recently colored and will still bleed when rinsed. We provide swimming caps for those who are willing to float to protect your hair color and our water from being contaminated.

  3. You have open wounds, cuts, burns and abrasions on your body and have shaved or waxed the same day. 

  4. You have autoimmune or inflammatory skin conditions or communicable viral and bacterial infections of any kind.

  5. You are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or controlled substances.

  6. You suffer from epilepsy or serious mental disorders.

  7. You are in your first trimester or high risk pregnancy.

  8. You suffer from incontinence.

  9. You are experiencing a heavy menstrual cycle.

  10. You are unable to enter/exit the tank on your own. Salt Spa staff are not licensed to lift or assist in this matter.

  11. The weight limitation is 300LBS.

  12. If you are a minor 13-17 years old unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

  13. If you have kidney disease.

  14. You have a condition which maybe adversely affected by cutaneous absorption of magnesium.

  15. You are diabetic, unless cleared by your physician.

B. How to prepare for floating

  1. Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment. Your float will start exactly at the time scheduled. Late arrival will affect the length of time designated for your appointment.

  2. Do not consume a large meal or caffeine 2 hours before your scheduled float time.

  3. Remove your contact lens, hair pieces and all jewelry before your float session.

  4. Please take a thorough shower before entering the float tank. This is a mandatory step in the float process. Thoroughly remove  oils, creams, makeup, conditioners, voluminizers and organic material from your body and hair, as it may cause adverse chemical reaction with pool water. Clean skin absorbs the vital minerals from Epsom salt making it most beneficial.

  5. Depending on the anxiety level of an individual, full sensory deprivation may be too much during the first float experience. The level of sensory deprivation is up to each individual. Please speak with your spa attendant for suggestions on customization.

  6. Inside the tank there are three buttons; the flat white button controls the light, the protruding button acts as a landmark while floating in the dark, and the black button is our two-way intercom system, allowing you to speak with the front desk.

  7. For first-time floaters, we have two floating head supports to choose from. We encourage a full flotation experience, where no neck noodle is used. Ideally, lights are turned off, and ear plugs are in, if comfortable. It is amazing when your ears are submerged under the water and you can hear your own heart beating.

  8. It is strictly prohibited to add anything (oils, fragrances, bath salts, conditioners, soap, etc.) to the float tank.

  9. The filtration system and lights turn off at the beginning of your float. The session ends with the filtration bubbles coming back on. Please remember this is not a Jacuzzi and water in the tank is completely calm.

  10. Exit the tank. shower and rinse off. Gather your belongings and proceed to the powder room. Please remember we have sessions scheduled following so we ask you to leave the room in a timely manner.

  11. Be mindful that the floors might be wet during your float. Please walk carefully. For safety reasons, guests are strictly prohibited to leave float room with wet feet.

  12. We provide hairdryers, lotions and cotton swabs. We do not provide hair combs/brushes.

C. How to operate the float tank

  1. Smoking, vaping and usage of any fire source is strictly prohibited due to the presence of ozone.

  2. All electronic devices must be silenced and are not recommenced in a room.

  3. You are in control of the tank at all times. If you have any questions, please use the intercom system inside of the float tank to ask for assistance. We will be happy to adjust whatever is necessary for your comfort and enjoyment.

  4. The water temperature stays a constant 95˚F (same temperature as the body’s surface) and may be too cool for some individuals. Please let us know if you get cold easily and we can adjust the temperature before your float. When you close the tank lid, the temperature becomes the same as the water temperature. If you feel too hot or are claustrophobic you can lift the lid during your float.

  5. Depending on the anxiety level of an individual, full sensory deprivation may be too much during the first float experience. Some stimuli like lights or music can be adjusted to meet your needs and quiet the mind.

  6. Inside the tank there are three air buttons. The flat white button controls the music, the protruding button controls the tank light and the black/red button is our two-way intercom system. The light button controls the color therapy. Each time you press the button, the color will change.

  7. For first-time floaters, we have several floating head supports to choose from. We encourage full flotation experience, where no neck noodle is used. Lights and music turned off. It is amazing when your ears are submerged under the water and you can hear your own heart beating.