My American dream began…
in 1986 while living in New York City. I managed a large jewelry company and owned a successful catering business which was exclusive to the medical and pharmaceutical industry. During this time, I learned how the U.S medical system focuses on treating illness through a symptoms-only approach. The pharmaceutical industry controls drug sales, which are paramount, leaving no room for incorporating natural therapies to treat patients.
I was born and raised in Poland in a medical family. My father was an E.N.T doctor specializing in the treatment of respiratory disorders, infections and allergies. For almost 50 years, he was passionately dedicated to treating patients using both conventional and alternative approaches. In many cases, the alternative approach was more effective long term, and without the common side effects of prescription drugs. In Poland, and the rest of Europe alike, the holistic approach is an integral part of regular health care, and a way of life for thousands of people.
My family background sparked my interest in natural therapies, which resulted in me writing my college graduation thesis on “Curative Powers of Natural Spas in Poland.” Opening Salt Spa St. Augustine, the first 5-star halotherapy (salt therapy) health resort in Florida, is a dream come true. I was inspired by the world famous Polish Wieliczka Salt Mine, which introduced halotherapy to western civilization. The Wieliczka mine has demonstrated a proven therapeutic effectiveness for over 700 years. Today, the mine features a subterranean hospital run by the Polish Ministry of Health. It is a phenomenon of science, engineering, art, history and a testament to the people that built it, as well as their deep faith in God. The Wieliczka mine was placed on UNESCO’s first list of ten most amazing natural places in the world.
Wellness and relaxation is highly prominent in European culture. Salt Spa St. Augustine looks forward to welcoming our guests by introducing the European philosophies of natural wellness, relaxation, and the therapeutic power of salt.
Written by: Dr. Jolanta Gutkowska M.D PhD McGill Montréal Medical Center, Montreal Canada
Professor, Department of Medicine | Professor, Experimental Medicine | Medical Director, Lab of Cardiovascular Biochemistry
*This article is subject to copyright*

History of Salt
Salt has been a highly valued mineral for thousands of years in almost all cultures and on all continents. As far back as 6050 BC, salt has been an integral part of the world’s history, and it has been interwoven into countless civilizations. Used as a part of Egyptian religious offerings and valuable trade between the Phoenicians and their Mediterranean empire, salt and history have been inextricably intertwined for millennia, with great importance placed on salt by many different cultures. Even today, the history of salt touches our daily lives. The word “salary” was derived from the word “salt.” Salt was highly valued and its production was legally restricted in ancient times, so it was historically used as a method of trade and money. Before electricity, salt was used to preserve the food. Undeniably, the history of salt is both broad and unique, leaving its indelible mark in cultures across the globe.
Human Physiology and Salt
Salt is essential for human health and plays an important role in several physiological functions. For the scientist, salt is a small molecule composed of two atoms, one positively charged sodium and another with a negative charge, chloride; together they form salt, sodium chloride. For the physician, salt is crucial as well as controversial. Sodium is a vital nutrient; it is a major component of extracellular fluid and is essential for maintaining the volume of the blood to allow adequate tissue perfusion and normal cellular metabolism. Salt is distributed throughout the body in all cells and circulating fluids of the body such as blood, lymph, semen, urine and tears. Without salt our bodies would become chemically unbalanced and our muscle and nervous system would cease to function because all body cells would lose their water, causing dehydration and death.
Sodium is an essential nutrient, but the body is not able to produce salt and it has to be provided to our organism. To survive, everyone needs to consume salt regularly. An adult human body contains about 250 grams of salt and any excess is naturally excreted by the body.
The Role of Salt in the Human Body
Salt has many other functions than just regulation of water content of the body; it plays a vital role in the regulation of many bodily functions. Salt is powerful antihistamine. Asthma, emphysema and cystic fibrosis sufferers can get rid of mucus and phlegm in the lungs by taking salt and drinking plain water.
The presence of sodium ions is essential for the contraction of muscles, including the largest and most important muscle, the heart. Muscle cramps can be relieved by putting a pinch of salt on the end of the tongue and letting it dissolve.
Salt helps to relieve “stress” symptoms, depression and emotional problems. Consuming and inhaling healthy natural salt helps to relieve those symptoms, along with walking, exercising and following a healthy diet. Salt is also important because it removes acidity from brain cells to make our brains function better. Salt is fundamental to the operation of signals to and from the brain. Without sufficient sodium our senses would be dull and our nerves would not function.
Our digestive system requires salt to properly absorb the food to eat. Our body has a developed and elaborate system to regulate the sodium content in body fluids. The blood vessels and brain send a signal to the kidneys to retain or secrete salt to match the quantity of salt our body requires.
Halo Therapy (Halo is “salt” in Greek)
The salt mines in Poland were the origins for Halotherapy. It was observed hundreds of years ago that salt miners seemed to thrive in good health, quite the opposite of coal miners. Salt miners rarely had any respiratory problems and their skin had great appearance. For centuries, people used naturally-occurring salt caverns to treat respiratory ailments. Several decades of research has led to the recreation of salt caverns, with one huge improvement over nature; in a Halotherapy room the disbursed salt particles in the air, proper humidity and temperature create a high-quality environment with natural benefits.
Salt therapy started in Poland 150 years ago. Dr.Boczkowski was the first physician to incorporate salt therapies into his medical practice for respiratory conditions. His example was followed by other physicians, thus salt therapy became very popular in many parts of the world.
Salt chambers, if properly constructed and equipped, are completely bacteria and allergen free and rich in healthy micro-elements such as sodium chloride and magnesium chloride and other micro elements necessary for healthy life. Such an environment is beneficial for anyone suffering from asthma, lung inflammation, allergies or recurrent nose, sinus or throat conditions, as well as the preventative measure of maintaining good health.
Skin conditions can also be improved with Halotherapy (psoriasis, rashes, eczema, and acne). Table salt, sodium chloride, is dehydrating, but pure mineral salts have natural moisturizing properties and support the skin’s water balance and barrier function by attracting moisture to the skin. Minerals are necessary for cell function and detoxification, so mineral salts have strong rejuvenating properties. It is accepted that salt possesses anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory properties and may be used for several ailments such as various respiratory problems, skin irritation and even to combat mental lethargy.

Our massage therapists have many years of experience working for medical and spa establishments in New York City, California, Massachusetts and Florida. Each of our LMT’s experience in the field of bodywork ranges from 8 to 30 years. Massage is a very unique experience based on trust, expertise and ability of a provider that can meet the expectations of each client. Our Staff is striving to make an appointment with a therapist that can provide the best service based on individual preferences and needs of each guest. We provide our clients with a short form before each massage to find out what kind of lubricant, pressure, upgrade and need they may have. For clients with special needs we need an advance notice to be ready to assist them upon arrival. If you are a first time visitor to our Spa please speak up to your therapist and she/he will find the best way to satisfy your massage needs. If you are looking for a very deep pressure in your massage let us know beforehand to find the provider that can meet your expectations.